Thursday, December 3, 2009

sprouting wheat berries: take two

i am waiting for these wheat berries to ferment. this is actually my second go at the process of making rejuvelac, a fermented wheat berry drink that i drink almost daily. it's got a crazy high probiotic level: 45 billion organisms per serving. kombucha has something like 2 billion. basically it means i can digest almost anything after i drink it.
this is my second go because the first batch actually hurt my stomach. i don't think i sprouted the berries for long enough. this time i think i sprouted them for too long. they are a little too "woody," a term i've learned from internet research (which can be hilarious. i've stumbled upon one or two eccentric raw food folks explaining their recipes.) you want the wheat berries to sprout little tails. mine actually look a little too much like sprouts.
this is really an experimenting process. you can follow someone else's instructions meticulously, but a lot of it comes down to your own living environment; a combination of temperature and light. it's science-y. i like it for that reason. science is sexy, but i was never very good at it. this is as close as i'll get.
if it's not delicious, i'll start over again and hopefully get it right. i'll post the process next time.


  1. What kind of organisms? rhamnosus? casei? johnsonii? This inquiring mind wants to know. Thanks!

  2. ah yes.... in fact, that should have been included...
    lactobacillus acidophilus

  3. same bugs as yogurt. neato. i've been dairy free but missing those guys...
    science-y...i like that. you're great, c.
